Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Superman: Unbound [Blu-ray]

Superman: Unbound is based on the graphic novel Superman: Brainiac by Geoff Johns. I've never been a fan of Johns work, because it is very prosaic and obvious with nothing new, original, or surprising thrown in. This movie is no different. This movie wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either.
Story: The story was pretty thin and weak. One scene did not flow into the next very well, and many times I wondered how Superman knew to go where he went next. Every "surprise" and "reveal" was obvious and easy to see coming. Nothing surprised me. The ending when Superman defeated Brainiac was unbelievable and anticlimactic, but not unexpected since they basically gave it away in the middle of the show.
Characterizations: The character development was also week with characters going from one extreme to another rather easily (an angry, out-of-control Supergirl suddenly becomes understanding and in control for no real reason other than the plot required it). Brainiac is an uninteresting villain with no real motivation. Lois is obnoxious and unlikeable. Superman is very unsure of himself. The relationship between Lois and Clark seems very dysfunctional but magically resolves itself at the end with a proposal that just didn't fit.
Voices: The voices were interesting, but as has been noted in other reviews, Matt Bomer is a very laconic Superman. He sounds laid back even when he should be bursting with emotion. And Brainiac sounds more like King Kong than a superintellegent alien computer.
Action: The action is pretty well done and there is a lot of it. One thing that surprised me was the amount of gratuitous gore. We really didn't need to see so much blood and innards to get the point. They actually detracted.
Politics: The antibullying message felt very forced and out of place. That's nice you want to speak out against bullying, but don't shoehorn it into a movie where it doesn't fit. It makes the message sound stupid, the opposite of what you want.
Overall, if you're looking for a generic superhero flick with nothing that stands out, this will fit the bill. But if you want something exciting, something that will make you think, or something that is really entertaining, you're going to be disappointed.

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